The English Department took 50 eager Year 11 pupils along to Poetry Live! in London on Friday 3rd February. For their GCSE Literature Paper 2 exam pupils are expected to learn 15 poems from the Power & Conflict anthology. This event was an amazing opportunity to hear from some of the poets themselves including famous names such as Carol Ann Duffy, Simon Armitage and Jon Agard.
The day started early but, despite many complaints about meeting at 7.45am for the coach, all the pupils arrived on time and excited about the day ahead. As we approached the venue pupils were able to spot famous sites such as London Eye, Big Ben, Houses of Parliament, Tower of London and we even spotted the Changing of the Guard at Horse Guard’s Parade.
We arrived at Westminster Central Hall just in time and found our seats where we would remain for the rest of the day. A Chief Examiner from AQA offered insight into how to write effectively for the exam and talked pupils through the Unseen Poetry element of the exam. Our pupils wrote extensive notes (or copied Mrs Dowle’s extensive notes!) and despite some problems with the sound at the beginning remained engaged and enthusiastic. Pupils then heard the various poet’s read their work and were given the opportunity to ask questions such as “What is the actual meaning behind the poem ‘Tissue’?” (if you know, you know).
We heard from wonderful poetry from Carol Ann Duffy, Simon Armitage, Imtiaz Dharker and Daljit Nagra but the man who really stole the show was Mr Jon Agard. As the 73 year old approached the stage, the auditorium erupted into cheering and applause and our own Sapphire even made him a sign. His poetry is particularly engaging as it’s playful as well as meaningful and he reminded pupils of the point of poetry – that it’s not just something learnt for GCSEs but a way to express and learn.
We cannot express enough how proud we are of the Year 11s who attended this trip. There were several issues at the venue but our pupils were resilient, engaged and focused – to the point where teachers from other schools even commented on how well behaved they were.
We have no doubt this trip has been invaluable to our students learning, many of whom have discussed new information they have learnt since the trip.