A Level Results Day 2022
The Year 13 students at Sandwich Technology School have done incredibly well. When compared to the last full exam year, on average, the exam results have improved by over half a grade per entry. All of the year group who wanted to go to University are doing so, with all but three students being offered places at their first choices, with nobody needing to gain a place via clearing. This is against the National trend and is a real success.
70% of the A Level Grades awarded were at A*- C with 40% at A*- B. We were extremely delighted that 43% of the Year 13 cohort achieved at least one A (or Distinction) grade or higher. 99% of all the grades achieved were at A*- E level.
Mrs Savage, Headteacher said “It must be remembered, that for this group of students, these A Levels were the first external exams they have ever sat. They have had three years of a disrupted education, and it would be understandable if their confidence was undermined and they underperformed – but instead they absolutely smashed it and I am so proud of them”. She added “I must also mention the teachers, who have worked so hard to make sure that the students were able to succeed despite the difficult time we have all been through”.
Olivia Ringrose achieved an A*, A and B in Film, Media and Criminology and is going to CCCU to train as a teacher. Lewis Clarke achieved two Distinction*s and a B grade in Business, Engineering and Geography and is joining the RAF for Officer training. Toby Keenan achieved an A, B and B in Mathematics, Physics and Biology and is going to Exeter University to study Maths. TJ Jeyakanthan achieved two Distinction*s and a B in Business, Engineering and Finance and is going to Sussex University to study Banking and Digital Finance. Demi-Leigh Milton achieved an A, B and a B in Biology, English Literature and Psychology and is going to do a degree level apprenticeship at Canterbury Hospital.
Maria Stone, the school’s Head of Sixth Form is delighted. She commented “They have shown such resilience and determination these last two years and it has been a pleasure working with them. My congratulations to them all”.