Construction Students Site Visit
6th Form students studying Construction at Sandwich Technology School visited Pebble Gate Place this week, a Westerhill Homes development just metres from the school.
This visit marks the launch of a joint competition that will challenge students to design an Eco Home using the CAD Program and must feature innovative ideas for moving towards Zero Carbon homes.
The competition will run until after the February half-term to enable the students to prepare their designs. These will be presented to a panel from Westerhill Homes who will judge the top three. Each of the top three will receive a prize.
Mr Mugford, Mr Friend and 20 students from STS were taken on a tour of the Westerhill homes site by the Site Project Manager and his team, the students were also taken inside several of the homes to see first-hand the different stages of construction and to give them inspiration for their competition designs.
Westerhill Homes, who are running the competition with Sandwich Technology School approached the school’s Design and Technology department, as they are keen to encourage young people to consider a career in the construction industry. The design competition is being merged into the course modules and will give students valuable practical and professional feedback.
“Our students really enjoyed the opportunity to visit a working construction site, the experience already has a few of them looking at routes into the Construction industry. We are grateful to Westerhill home for approaching us and giving us the fantastic opportunity!” Mr R Mugford, Head of Design & Technology at Sandwich Technology School.
56 homes are being built at the development, which include 17 affordable homes for Town & Country Housing. Westerhill Homes is part of the award winning Kent based Chartway Group winners of the 2021 Best Large Business in the KEiBA Excellence Awards.
Darryl Proudfoot, Site Project Manager at Pebble Gate Place was pleased to welcome the students on site ‘”We are delighted to be partnering with Sandwich Technology School and the students studying Construction. Seeing homes in the various stages of construction on a working building site will hopefully enable the students to get fully immersed in the competition, and help them with their studies of the subject. Partnering with local schools is something that Chartway Construction is happy to do and are always keen to work with the local communities where we are building”.