Young Writers poetry competition winners!
As part of our National Poetry Day celebrations last October, we invited students to write a poem on the theme of ‘Empowered’ for the Young Writers poetry writing competition. The competition encouraged students to take back some control over their lives, following more than a year of school closures, isolation and general disruption to their education, by using their voices to express themselves through poetry. The theme inspired the students to empower themselves, and others, through their words. We are delighted to announce the following students have won; Evie, Isabella abd Brooke in year 7, Harry in year 8 and Jemima in year 9. Their entries to the Young Writers’ poetry writing competition were chosen from over 12,000 entries, for publication!
Each student has received a certificate and bookmark and, most excitingly, their work is going to be published in an actual book. They are going to be published authors! What a fantastic achievement!