GCSE Results Day!
The students of Sandwich Technology School have achieved a fantastic set of GCSE results to match the A Level results seen earlier in the week. Tracey Savage, Headteacher, said “What a week! The Year 11 students have done every bit as well as our A Level students and I am very proud indeed of what they have achieved. They have had a very difficult two years and have proved that they are more than capable of overcoming challenges and succeeding.”
As with A Level, the exam results have been determined through a robust process of multiple assessments that have been evaluated by teachers, rigorously moderated and cross-checked in school, and then subjected to further scrutiny and sampled moderation by the exam boards. Tracey added “There is much talk of grade inflation – all I can say is that the staff here have worked exceptionally hard to ensure that our students have received the grades they truly deserve and they should not allow anyone to devalue their results”.
The top three students deserve a particular mention for their outstanding results. Renn Hales achieved two grade 9s (in Photography and English Literature), three grade 8s, three grade 7s and a grade 6. Anneka Clegg achieved one grade 9 (in Art), one grade 8, six grade 7s and one grade 6. Lucy Hulm achieved one grade 9 (in Geography), two grade 8s, two grade 7s, three grade 6s and a Distinction*. All of these students will be joining many of their peers to start A Level courses in September at Sandwich Technology School.
Alan Cadby, the Head of Year 11, is delighted with his year group. He said “My congratulations go to them all. They worked hard and, despite all of the uncertainty, have triumphed. I look forward to welcoming many of them back into our Sixth Form and wish the others the very best for the future”.