Design and Technology
Title of qualification achieved at the end of the course
GCSE Design and Technology (EDUQAS)
What will you learn/How will you be taught?
The course structure is 50% coursework (starting in June of Year 10) and 50% written examination (at the end of Year 11, 2 hours).
The lessons are structured as follows (per fortnight):
In Year 10, September to June –
2 lessons (one per week) of theory (homework will be set in these lessons);
1 double lesson of focussed practical work – developing your making skills;
4 lessons on extended projects – these lessons will develop your investigative, design and problem-solving skills.
From June in Year 10 to the end of the course –
3 lessons of theory;
4 lessons focussed on completing your coursework to the best of your ability.
During the course of this subject you will gain knowledge and experience in a wide range of design techniques, both traditional and computer based (using 2D Design and SolidWorks). Throughout the course you will have the opportunity to investigate, design and manufacture a wide range of products, using manual and computer-operated machinery to make products of high quality. You will study a wide range of materials and manufacturing techniques that are used to make products all over the world. You will develop 3D CAD skills using industry-standard software and have the opportunities to 3D print your own creations! This course will help to develop your problem-solving ability and is ideal for the creative and enquiring mind.
Why study this subject?
Studying Design and Technology will enable you to develop a wide range of transferable skills for further education, work and life: Creative and innovative thinking, use of imagination and experimentation, ability to critique and refine your own ideas Knowledge and understanding of all design and technological activity and influences decision making skills develop high quality, imaginative and functional prototypes, communication skills.
Design Technology opens the doors to so many careers and opportunities at university level. Potential careers that are supported by studying Design Technology are: Product Design; Engineering; Degree Career pathways; Architect; Engineer; Product/Graphic Designer.
Do you see a problem and look for a solution? Do you have an enquiring mind? Do you like to know how stuff works? If so, then Design Technology could be for you!